John James Audubon
Working side-by-side with partners at local, regional, state and federal levels, the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) safeguards our state's environment while supporting the economic growth and development crucial for Michigan's future.
Find upcoming public meetings, hearings, comment periods, training, and more on the EGLE calendar.
Find more information on obtaining public records. Many records are available without a formal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.
The primary purpose of the Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program (CLMP) is to help citizen volunteers monitor indicators of water quality in their lake and to document changes in lake quality over time. The CLMP is a cost-effective process for EGLE to increase the baseline data available for Michigan's inland lakes as well as to establish a continuous data record for determining water quality trends in lakes.
The Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program (CLMP) goals are:
To measure baseline water quality and document water quality trends on participating lakes.
To educate the public in lake ecology, lake management practices and in procedures for collecting water quality data.
To build public support for lake quality protection and to encourage sound lake management practices.
To increase baseline water quality data for inland lakes statewide
Michigan Lakes and Streams Association is a non-profit, state-wide organization dedicated to the preservation, protection and wise management of Michigan’s vast treasure of inland lakes and streams. They achieve their mission by supporting riparian associations as well as the collective and individual educational, stewardship and conservation initiatives of their members which include lake associations, concerned citizens, commercial and non-profit businesses as well as their public and private collaborative partners.
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is committed to the conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the state's natural and cultural resources for current and future generations. They strive to protect natural and cultural resources, ensure sustainable recreation use and enjoyment, enable strong natural resource-based economies, improve and build strong relationships and partnerships, and foster effective business practices and good governance.
Protecting Michigan lakes through conservation and restoration of natural shorelines.
Partnership Objectives:
Train contractors and landscape professionals about shoreline technologies and bioengineered erosion control.
Educate property owners about natural shorelines and technologies that benefit lake ecosystems.
Research, demonstrate, and develop natural shoreline technologies that benefit lake ecosystems.
Encourage local and state policies that promote natural shoreline management.
The Michigan Shoreland Stewards Program was created to recognize inland lake property owners for using best management practices to protect their lake. Become a Shoreland Stewards Ambassador and help spread the word about the program and healthy lakeshores.
The mission of the Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership is to work together to protect, rehabilitate, and enhance sustainable fish habitats in glacial lakes of the Midwest for the use and enjoyment of current and future generations.
The partnership uses its grant funding and other resources to:
Conduct scientific assessments to determine the condition and threats to fish habitats
Enable partners to complete on-the-ground habitat conservation projects
Conduct education and outreach to improve understanding and spark action resulting in fish habitat conservation
Provide a forum for those seeking inland lake fish habitat conservation to share strategies and resources.
The Allegan Conservation District is dedicated to helping all land users wisely manage the natural resources of Allegan County. They strive to achieve this in an economically feasible way through working partnerships to sustain the natural resources for future generations.
The Michigan Riparian is the only magazine devoted exclusively to covering current issues relevant to the preservation and protection of Michigan’s inland waters. Learn about on-going riparian related issues and happenings in and around Michigan through articles written by experts as well as timely riparian rights related legal news from noted riparian rights and water law attorney, Clifford H. Bloom.
Informing the conversation about our waters. View water quality reports for Hutchins Lake and the Hutchins Lake Watershed.
Find information on topics such as lake water quality, watershed management, aquatic plants, lake levels, lake improvement boards and more.
Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
Research Centered organization with tons of good articles and resource information.
Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy
Non-governmental organization with a mission to protect and manage unique landscapes.
The Nature Conservancy
Non-Governmental organization which works towards conserving rare species and their habitats.
Two Rivers Coalition
Two Rivers Coalition is a local citizens group working to protect the health of the Black and Paw Paw River Watersheds through conservation, education, and advocacy.
US Geological Survey
Federal site offering information relating to the physical environment.
Banner image by Mark Bugnaski Photography.
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© 2025 Hutchins Lake Improvement Association