This page contains answers to some commonly asked questions. Please submit additional questions on the Contact page.
How do I report boating violations?
Violations of the Boating Laws and Regulations are a more than an annoyance, they are a safety hazard. Violations can be reported to the Allegan County Sheriffs Office by calling (269) 673-0500. In an emergency dial 911.
Where can I find more information?
We have tried to provide links to helpful and informative sites on our Conservation Resources page. If you have a site you think others would be interested in viewing, please send us a message on our Contact page.
Why don’t I receive a newsletter at my home?
HLIA members automatically receive regular email newsletters to the email address they have specified in their membership application. To become a member, fill out the membership application on our Membership page. If you are currently a member but not receiving the biannual newsletter, please contact the HLIA president or your district director to verify that your membership records are correct.
Who can I contact?
Your District Director should be able to help answer any questions you have. To identify your District Director please visit our Contact page. You can also fill out the form on our Contact page and someone will get back to you.
What is HLIA?
HLIA (Hutchins Lake Improvement Association) is a group of concerned residents who come together to address lake issues and work with local governments to represent the lake community and its interests.
When is the next HLIA annual meeting?
Check our home page for upcoming meetings and other events. Hope to see you there!
How do I become an HLIA member and pay my membership dues?
Instructions for paying membership dues and the HLIA membership application form can be found on our Membership page. Join now to become a voting member!
How do I post my pictures on this site?
Please send us a message via our Contact page and we will provide instructions.
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© 2025 Hutchins Lake Improvement Association